Re-Boot: We Are Back!

Isaiah O’Connor

a 3 minute read

Re-Boot We Are Back!

Hey there, dear readers and listeners! It's been over two years since we last hung out through a blog post or podcast. Life took me on an unexpected journey, and this unplanned break turned out to be a crucial period of rest, rejuvenation, and growth. Today, I'm eager to share the journey of what happened during this time, my plans for the future, and the exciting changes I'm embracing.

An Unplanned Interlude

About two years ago, life threw me a curveball, leading to my abrupt disappearance from the blogging and podcasting scene. My initial plans were ambitious—I wanted to dive into video content creation with a Video Cast. Little did I know, that juggling video editing alongside audio podcasts and blogs would prove to be a more significant challenge than I anticipated. This endeavor left me wrestling with burnout and grappling with a severe case of writer's block.

Adding to the whirlwind, the lifting of COVID restrictions unexpectedly boosted demand for my balloon business. Events were in full swing, and businesses, eager to utilize unspent event budgets, flooded my schedule with more projects and freelance work than ever before. Balancing these professional commitments with the responsibilities of a family—two energetic kids under 12 included—left me with precious little time to craft the quality content that has always been my hallmark.

And then, there's the financial aspect. While the blog maintained a steady course, the podcast experienced a surge in success. Unfortunately, my struggle to effectively monetize the podcast forced a reassessment of priorities, with family needs rightfully taking precedence.

The Catalyst for Return

The decision to make a comeback wasn't a solitary one. Already contemplating a return to content creation, I found myself in need of that extra push. My good friend, Jason St.Clair, the brain behind the Atheoz podcast, played a pivotal role. He recognized a talent in me that was being underutilized and became the catalyst, nudging me back into the world of content creation.

My time away also became an opportunity to immerse myself in various podcasts, studying the strategies of successful creators in audience engagement, building a dedicated following, and effective monetization. While the dream of supporting my family solely through content creation might be ambitious, the prospect of earning additional income, even sporadically, would certainly justify the effort.

Passion Reignited

Beyond any financial considerations, my return is driven by a genuine love for creating content. Whether it's the art of writing, a long-standing dream of authoring a book or two, the joy of sharing knowledge, teaching, or engaging in conversations to gain different perspectives—these are the activities that fuel my passion.

What Lies Ahead

Looking into the future, expect a change in frequency. I'm committed to delivering at least one blog post and one podcast episode every week, each scheduled to brighten your Monday mornings. Occasionally, I might surprise you with an extra podcast or a live-stream event.

To add more spice, I'm excited to bring in more guests to be interviewed, and that might just include you—the incredible members of my audience. After all, I'm not a supervillain, and I'd rather avoid monologuing all the time.

To enhance our interaction, I've established a private Discord server, updated my Facebook pages, and joined the X community. Soon, a Rumble account will join my YouTube channel. While video content is on the horizon, it won't overshadow the primary focus, reserved primarily for interviews and live streams. If feasible, I'll explore ways to automate the process of uploading audio to video platforms.

Speaking of automation, I'll be incorporating AI into my processes, using it to edit podcasts and streamline blog posts. Rest assured, though—I won't be relying on AI to create content entirely. It may assist in optimizing the blog for a podcast or refining the text for better readability, but the core content creation remains a human endeavor.

Since it's been a couple of years, I am going to revisit much of my previous content and edit and update it for the future.

A Leap into Monetization

Last but certainly not least, let's talk about monetization. To continue expanding and creating valuable content, I'll be actively seeking sponsors and incorporating ad reads. I've introduced content behind a paywall, but fear not—the main blog and podcast will always be free. For those who choose to support through Patreon, I'm committed to adding extra value, including access to a private Discord server, early podcast access, voting in polls, and even the chance to be a guest on the podcast.

Thank you for joining me on this thrilling journey of rest, rejuvenation, and revitalization. The primary goal is to continue providing meaningful content while evolving and adapting to better serve you—the fantastic audience that makes it all worthwhile.

Stay tuned for more insights, interviews, and discussions. This is a reboot, and we're back stronger than ever!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Entrepreneur,
Isaiah O'Connor

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Until next time, I have been,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Entrepreneur,
Isaiah O’Connor

Isaiah O'Connor